
Built at the beginning of the 16th century, Rosolini has nothing reminding that period anymore. The town historical centre is completely of 19th century hallmark.
But in the zone, there’s a little rock church of paleo-Christian age in the remains of the estate, of the 17th century, of the Platamone castle.
The orthogonal map of the town grows around the main square, Garibaldi square, on which there are the town hall and the mother church, dedicated to the Souls of Purgatory.
Masaniello square is characterized by the fountain of Tritons, built between 1898 and 1903.
In the town streets there are important witnesses of the past.
Inside the great quarry of Rosolini, in Stafenna street, there is a zone of human settlements going from the proto-history to the Byzantine period.
On the leap of the quarry there are the remains of an ancient Sicul settlement of Hybleian culture.

“Archive A.P.T. Syracuse”

  • Chiesa Madre (Foto: G. Leone)